Announcement of ChemTracker System (chemical tracking system) Upgrade
We are pleased to announce that the ChemTracker system III will be retiring the end of September, 2014 and the new web based and user friendly ChemTracker system IV will be running starting October 1, 2014.
The link of CTS 4 is
There are instructions of Inventory Management Quick Guide and User Guide on our website.
Highlght of Inventory Seach functions:
- Save frequently-used search criteria as Saved Search templates
- Dynamically-filtered type-ahead functionality reduces data entry time
- Search by single or multiple criteria, such as hazard(s), regulations, storage code, building, room, expiration date, ID number, location, department, owner, etc.
- Screen for Particularly Hazardous Substances
- Locate “out of date” materials with expiration date
- Easily determine locations of specific hazards, or multiple hazards in a particular area
- Drill down to Details View of inventory records
- Download into Microsoft Excel
If you have any questions about the system, please feel free to send email to [email protected] .