Human Research Protection Office and IRBs

Frequently Used Services

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Single IRB Review Process

NIH policy requires multi-site research studies to rely on single IRB (sIRB) review.  Check here HRPO guidance, resources, FAQs and the required form to submit for initiating an IRB reliance request 

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Human Research Policy Guide

HRPO/IRB Policies and guidelines, including the IRB Standard Operating Procedures, and a link to the Clinical Research Handbook provide a comprehensive overview of the policies and guidelines for conducting human subjects research at the University

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The Revised Common Rule

NEW! Find out about the revised federal regulations for human subjects research protection and how they affect you

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IRB Consultation Service

IRB consultations are offered at the Morningside, Manhattanville and Medical Center campuses. Check here for times and locations for walk-in consults - no appointment necessary

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Human Subjects Research Regulations & Ethical Principles

NEW! The recently revised federal regulations for human subjects research are now listed here, along with other relevant federal and state regulations, and ethical principles of human subjects research

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Protocol and Consent Form Resources

IRB reviews, creating and submitting a protocol, Consent Form templates and suggested language

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Maintain IRB Approval

All changes to the research protocol must be submitted for prospective IRB approval unless a change needs to be implemented immediately to remove or minimize an imminent harm to subjects

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Human Subjects Protection Training Program & Educational Resources

As a prerequisite for IRB approval, all human subjects researchers must complete CITI Human Subjects Protection and HIPAA Privacy training. Access training programs here.

IRB 101s and Monthly Investigator meetings (MIMs) are regularly scheduled information sessions. Slidedecks and materials from the meetings are posted here.


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Information for Research Participants

Find information about participating in research at the University

Recent Announcements

NIH Update

Dear Colleagues,

This evening, we were made aware of new supplemental guidance issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revising the negotiated indirect cost rate for grant awards to a standard indirect rate of 15% across all NIH grants. We are currently evaluating this new guidance to understand the impact to the University’s portfolio of grants and to explore options on how to respond to this new guidance.

We understand this policy change will create a good deal of concern and anxiety within our research community. As we gain a better understanding of its potential impacts and options, we will provide you with more information and guidance on how to move forward. We have also set up a website to track updates related to federal research grants. We encourage you to share this resource with your teams.

Thank you all for your steady hand in guiding our PIs and research teams through this challenging time. We are deeply appreciative of your partnership.


Angela V. Olinto, Provost

Jeannette M. Wing, Executive Vice President for Research