Visiting Scholars and Scientists

Columbia fully supports hosting domestic and international visitors on campus. However, additional due diligence is required if the visitor is from a sanctioned country or a “restricted” university. For this reason, it is important to conduct a restricted party screening before issuing an invitation to an international visiting scholar or scientist. All international visitors should be screened for restricted party affiliations.  They must be processed in accordance with the Faculty Handbook or Guidelines for Short-term Visitors.  Columbia’s International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) website, has information for departments and sponsoring faculty members about sponsoring international visitors. More information about how to conduct “restricted party screening” is available at Columbia's Economic Sanctions and "Restricted Parties" website. In addition, a list of restricted universities and research institutes is available at Restricted Universities List (UNI login required). 

Under certain circumstances, a Columbia Technology Ventures "Visiting Scientist Agreement" may be needed to be put in place. Please contact your Department Administrator or Columbia Technology Ventures (CTV) for more information.

Questions about visitors to the Morningside, Lamont, Nevis and ZMBBI campuses should be directed to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Academic Appointments. Questions about visitors to the CUIMC campus should be directed to the CUIMC Office of Faculty Affairs.

Finally, please contact your SPA project officer if you have visitors in your lab who conduct research in support of or related to your research. SPA can advise you on sponsor approval and disclosure requirements for international visitors in your lab. Information about federal agency disclosure requirements is also available on the Researcher Disclosure Requirements webpage.