Biological Safety Training
Welcome to the Biological Safety Training webpage. Please use the links on this page to complete necessary courses on the safe handling of biological materials. It is important to complete all safety training courses prior to working in the laboratory. You may find other safety training courses on RASCAL.
Bloodborne Pathogens/Biological Safety
Initial Safety Training (RASCAL):
(TC4850) Initial Bloodborne Pathogen/Biosafety Training - as shown on your appendix/protocol)
(TC4950) Initial Biological Safety Cabinet Training - as shown on your appendix/protocol)
Refresher Training (RASCAL/SABA):
(TC0509) Biological Safety/Bloodborne Pathogen Refresher Training
(TC3550) Biological Safety Cabinet Refresher Training
Additional Training:
(TC0507) Shipping Biological (infectious and potentially infectious) Materials, Genetically Modified Microorganisms
(TC0076) Shipping with Dry Ice, Exempt Specimens, and Excepted Quantities of Dangerous Goods
(TC0508) Recombinant DNA and NIH guidelines Training
(TC1150) Viral Vector Research - Handling and Biosafety
Descriptions of Training Courses:
TC4850/TC0509 - All University personnel working with: human blood/body fluids/unfixed tissue, human or non-human primate cell lines or any materials deemed capable of transmitting HIV, HBV, HCV or other bloodborne diseases; infectious microorganisms classified at Biosafety Level-2 (agents capable of causing disease in healthy adults); or viral vectors classified by the NIH as requiring Biosafety Level-2 procedures. First time attendees must take the initial training via RASCAL as course TC4850. Annual refresher may be taken on-line via RASCAL as course TC0509*.
TC0507 - The course is designed for all University personnel responsible for the preparation, packaging and documentation for shipping infectious or potentially infectious materials, including genetically modified microorganisms. The course must be renewed every two years.
TC0076 - Individuals wishing to use dry ice for shipping purposes are required to complete training to understand the hazards posed by the use of dry ice and the corresponding safety practices to use to prevent those hazards. Complete this training module if you are shipping ONLY NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS on dry ice. The course must be renewed every two years.
TC0508 - This training is to provide information about the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (NIH Guidelines) to enable the safe conduct of rDNA research. This training is only required for Principal Investigators or their designee. It is optional for other staff. The course must be renewed every three years.
TC1150 - In addition to the submission of an Appendix A in RASCAL all researchers and personnel working with viral vectors must complete this online course. The course must be renewed every two years.