Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript preparation requires organization of data, references, collaboration with co-authors and an understanding of copyright and access to manuscripts. These resources are to help researchers organize their data, identify potential ways co-authors can seamlessly share data and manuscript drafts, and resources to understand copyright and public access to publications (for more information on public access mandates visit Public Access Mandates webpage).

Accidental plagiarism is often the result of poor note taking or improperly citing a reference when paraphrasing (read about: Confessions of an Accidental Plagiarist). Below are some resources for avoiding plagiarism and managing citations.

Understanding What Plagiarism Is and How to Avoid It
Manage Sources and Citations Systematically

Sometimes plagiarism results from mismanaged or improper citation and source management.  Citation management software can help avoid such problems.  These tools help researchers keep track of sources and citations.  Below are Columbia University resources for managing citations (many are free with Columbia UNI).

Software providers offer tutorials to help troubleshoot and utilize software to full potential:

Tutorials for using F1000 Workspace

Tutorials for using EndNote

Tutorials for using Mendeley

Tutorials for using Zotero

For information on plagiarism in the context of research misconduct, please see RCT's misconduct webpage.

Columbia University Copyright Advisory Services is able to address issues surrounding the use of scholarly materials by faculty and students in the course of research, teaching and communicating scholarship.  

Predatory journals and publishers often operate under the auspices of open-access publishing. They charge authors fees without reviewing research for quality or providing editorial and publishing services. Below are questions and resources to help you determine if a journal is predatory.

  • If the journal is open access, is it registered with the Directory of Open Access Journals?
  • Does the journal list the names of its editorial and advisory boards?
  • Are the journal's peer review and editorial policies openly available?
  • Do you recognize the names of current contributors as scholars in your field?
  • Do you recognize the publisher of the journal? Is this information easy to find? Is that publisher a member of COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics)?

Columbia University Libraries Scholarly Communication is available to help! Email questions to: [email protected]

