Consent to Contact for Research (CCR)

Current University policies limit acceptable recruitment methods for patients, when eligibility is assessed through review of medical records, in order to keep private patient information secure. Acceptable recruitment methods typically require the patient to be introduced to a study through the patient's treating physician or on behalf of the relevant medical director. The process for contacting patients through a medical director involves several steps for which the IRB provides guidance.

Consent to Contact for Research (CCR) enables researchers to access and contact patients who indicate their willingness to be contacted for research, based on information in their medical records, without an initial connection through their treating physicians or medical director. Patients can elect to be included in a registry of patients to be contacted for research opportunities by completing a consent form in the Epic patient portal (Connect). They are then contacted via a Connect message and can provide their interest in a study, after which researchers can contact these potential participants directly. 

Use of the CCR registry is being piloted and is overseen by a CCR working group. Each study will need to be approved by the working group, in addition to being approved by the IRB, in order to use CCR.

To schedule a CCR consultation, please visit here

CCR may not be appropriate for every study. Studies will be reviewed by the CCR working group based on the eligibility criteria and design to determine whether CCR can be approved as an additional recruitment method.

Please schedule a consultation with the CCR working group to determine if your study is eligible. 

To start the CCR process, please schedule a consultation with the CCR working group. 

Yes, each study must obtain IRB approval to use CCR as a recruitment method. Researchers must submit the CCR Modification Form, along with a HIPAA C Form, as a modification to their study submission. Please schedule a consultation with the working group to find out more information.