Road to disruptive innovations in the fight against COVID-19 through experimental and theoretical physics

Szabolcs Marka, Walter O. LeCroy, Jr. Professor of Physics, Department of Physics

Members of the physics department donated all personal protection equipment to hospitals. When I felt that we had given everything we could, we realized that it is not true - we still have our minds, experience, and time to offer. We initiated a departments-wide brainstorming effort to Team-up and think about the tough problems of the pandemic that is going strong. We are distinct in the sense that we focus more on the tough problems, disruptive innovation, inventions, combination of strategic and tactical thinking, and unrestricted brainstorming. We are also closely working with colleagues in Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, and Engineering to help with the prompt response projects and to connect to domain experts. We already cover a wide range of topics from treatment to robotics and expanding.