Redesigned xTrain Module in eRA Commons coming March 30, 2023

As mentioned a couple of weeks ago via our listservs, NIH is going to launch a newly redesigned xTrain on March 30th. xTrain is used to manage appointments, reappointments and terminations for institutional training grants (Ts), individual fellowships (Fs), institutional career development awards (K12), and some research education awards (such as the R25).

NIH released additional information about the new xTrain, which can be read here. In addition, they created a high-level, six-minute video walking through the new xTrain. Their detailed, online user guide won’t be available until after the release on March 30.

We will keep you posted on xTrain as more information becomes available.

Stephanie F. Scott, MS, CRA; Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA)
March 20, 2023