Career and Professional Development

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Planning Your Postdoc

Tips to consider before accepting a Postdoc position

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Career Development Programming

A guide to all of the career and professional development programs and events that OPA organizes

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Career Counseling and Mentoring

OPA offers a wide range of career counseling services for Postdocs and Associate Research Scientists

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Job Opportunities

Job boards and resources to find job opportunities

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Other Columbia Resources

Career resources available to Postdocs and Associate Research Scientists from other offices at Columbia

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External Resources

Career resources available to Postdocs and Associate Research Scientists outside of Columbia

Associate Director, Office for Postdoctoral Affairs and Early Career Research:
Rosa Chavarro
[email protected]

Medical Center Office and Mailing Address:
154 Haven Ave, Suite 313 
New York, NY 10032

Contact OPA at:
Email: [email protected]