Psychology & Psychiatry Consultation Liaision Services during COVID-19

Dara Steinberg, Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology, Department of Pediatrics and Department of Psychiatry

The aim of this study is to collect data on how consultation liaison services across the country are handling provision of psychology/psychiatry/mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consultation liaison services provide assessment and at times brief treatment to address psychiatric and psychological symptoms that patients on medical services are experiencing. At times these are related to their medical conditions and at others may be preexisting conditions. During the COVID-19 pandemic there is a move to minimize the amount of exposure individuals have to each other. Thus the nature of CL services is difficult to maintain in its typical form as these services typically interact with individuals across a range of services throughout the course of a day. Yet, it is important that these services continue to ensure the emotional well-being of patients, particularly during a pandemic.