Responsive and Resilient Health System (RRHS) / PEPFAR - Sierra Leone

Susan Michaels-Strasser, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology in the International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) at the Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology

This project seeks to strengthen human resources for health as part of the effort to address health system constraints that impede the availability of and access in the Republic of Sierra Leone to quality health services. Proposed activities are as follows:

1. Intensify Standard IPC Practices across 11 Supported ICAP health facilities (using WHO guidelines)
2. Enhanced Treatment and Care Interventions for PLHIV Accessing Care
3. Differentiated HIV Prevention and Testing Plan
4. Strengthen Service Quality and Uptake through remote site support and management
5. Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting
6. Above Site Level Activities Requiring (Modified) Stakeholder Meetings/ Gatherings
7. Logistic Support for Health Care Workers during Active COVID-19 Outbreak to Support Facility and Community Service Delivery
8. Enhance COVID-19 IPC practices across the Three Nursing and Midwifery Schools for Continued Nursing and Midwifery Education