When OPA receives notifications about academic and industry career opportunities from employers we post those opportunities on our LinkedIn group. This is the only place where these openings are posted. To join our LinkedIn group, please visit the Columbia University Postdocs and Postdoc Alumni page.
Job Boards
Chronicle of Higher Education
HigherEd Jobs
Metro NY/Southern Connecticut Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
Nature Careers
New Jersey HERC
Postdoc Jobs
Propel Careers
Science Careers
Top Higher-Education Jobs
PhD Insiders
NPA Career Center
Open Postdoc Positions at Columbia
Postdoctoral Trainee positions are generally listed in the University Recruitment of Academic Personnel System (RAPS). Some departments and PIs post postdoctoral positions on their department or lab websites. OPA recommends reviewing department and PI websites as well if you are interested in finding a postdoctoral position.
For Employers
If you are an academic institution or industry employer and would like to submit a career opportunity to our Postdoctoral Trainees or would like to hold an info session on campus, please contact us at [email protected].